Monday 10 November 2014

It's a Bird, it's a Plane!

It's a hooded lace scarf!
I think it turned out super cute, and it's such a uniquely knitted project too! Saves you the trouble of bringing both a hat and a scarf out I suppose! My boyfriend keeps saying I look like a mage though, haha!
It was much simpler to knit than I originally thought too. Basically, all you do is knit a giant rectangle first, and then bind off in the middle, then keep working the ends until they reach your desired length. Pompom and fringes are optional, although I always enjoy making those, so I added them for sure.
This is how it looks before you knit the back seems to create the hood:
The lace pattern is so pretty too! Kept me pretty occupied as I began my climb onto the Doctor Who bandwagon. I only watched ten episodes though (starting at the 2005 reboot). I was never into Sci-Fi, but it kept me interested enough.
Now that I'm done, I know exactly what I'm going to do next! I've been itching to dive into my new yarn stash!
Edit: Here's my sweetie modelling for me!

Sunday 9 November 2014

Two Years of Knitting!

It's been two years of knitting, but November marks one year since when I began to actually be a knitter and not somebody who just knit one thing! It's nice to look back at all my projects!
When its all put together like this, its so much easier to see how far I've come and how I've tried really hard to learn something per project. I think the fourth project is when I really started to get better. 8 scarves, 5 hats, 3 gloves/mitts, 3 bookmarks, 3 tops, 2 pairs of socks, one stocking, one doll, one headband, and one blanket later, and I'm still knitting to improve! I hope by next year, a sweater will be added to the mix! And if I've said it once, I've said it a million times ... but I hope I'll have a better camera to show off all my proud proud creations!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Beginning of November surprise!

Yesterday was an amazing day! I went over to my friends' house for a sleepover where we engaged in post-Halloween pumpkin carving! It was really fun! We put our finished products up on Facebook and held a contest to see which teams' pumpkin got the most votes! Which one would you have voted for?
If you chose the Olaf pumpkin, then you have good taste! That's the one my team carved! Our prize was an After Eight tin full of mint chocolate! I was already feeling awesome for winning the contest since last year when my friends and I did this, my partner and I came in dead last, but when I got home, I got yet another surprise ....
Ta-dah! Look what was waiting for me in my room! It's a gift from my aunt who has been so supportive of my knitting hobby! Inside has six giant balls of Red Heart comfort yarn in beige, white and black! It was bought at such a bargain too! Only $39.00 for the whole thing! With all the yarn I recently received from my boyfriend and my friend, and now this, I feel like I have enough to keep me knitting for the next ten years!

Saturday 1 November 2014

So Much Yarn

So remember how yesterday I received my giant yarn haul? Well guess what! I got even more yarn today! My friend went to Seattle to a placed called 'So Much Yarn', and bought me a hank of yarn!
The color is beautiful! It's hard to tell with my blurry camera, but the color is actually variegated with different hues of brown! It gives a very Autumn feel. I'm not sure what type of yarn it is because my friend ripped the tag off because the pricetag was on there (although I know it is way more expensive than I usually spend on a skein of yarn so I am so grateful they would put such thought for me). It looks like its worsted weight though, and it feels super soft! I love it!!

My Long Awaited Yarn Haul

Finally, something to cheer me up from an unfulfilling work and social life... a giant bag of soft cuddly yarn! Now I can spend more time knitting and watching dramas alone! (Haha, half kidding on the dramatic parts..)
I'm definitely going to knit at least 2 sweaters out of this stash! I had a vague plan of what I was going to do with each skein, but maybe because it was too vague that I forgot the plans for the balls where I only bought one of it. But I'm sure I'll figure something out. It was my first time buying from the website 'Webs'. Previously, I used the website 'Knitpicks' or just bought from Michaels or Wal-Mart, but I wanted to try something new.
Unfortunately, there's so much yarn there, six skeins of it cannot fit in my three drawers, so now it looks messy again. I think that's a sign that I'm not knitting enough, haha, so I guess I better get to it!