Monday 10 November 2014

It's a Bird, it's a Plane!

It's a hooded lace scarf!
I think it turned out super cute, and it's such a uniquely knitted project too! Saves you the trouble of bringing both a hat and a scarf out I suppose! My boyfriend keeps saying I look like a mage though, haha!
It was much simpler to knit than I originally thought too. Basically, all you do is knit a giant rectangle first, and then bind off in the middle, then keep working the ends until they reach your desired length. Pompom and fringes are optional, although I always enjoy making those, so I added them for sure.
This is how it looks before you knit the back seems to create the hood:
The lace pattern is so pretty too! Kept me pretty occupied as I began my climb onto the Doctor Who bandwagon. I only watched ten episodes though (starting at the 2005 reboot). I was never into Sci-Fi, but it kept me interested enough.
Now that I'm done, I know exactly what I'm going to do next! I've been itching to dive into my new yarn stash!
Edit: Here's my sweetie modelling for me!

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