Friday 19 September 2014

Green and Blue

I feel so relieved! I was able to finish this project before I headed off to vacation! (Heading to Malibu!) It's called the dijon top, and I wanted to make it as soon as I first laid eyes on the pattern! It's adorable! However, it is a little short, but I think it looks cute with short shorts. A little flirty, and with a strong summer feel!
So, why is it green and blue? Well, the answer is simple ... I could tell there wasn't going to be enough blue only after knitting the back. Good thing I still had some green fingering yarn! I don't think it looks too odd with dual colors since the bottom is still the same ivory.
Here's a closer up of the feather and fan stitch that the tank is composed of!
It's so pretty even though it was easier to make than it looks. Its basically a bunch of K2Tog with YO. Anyway, I'm so glad its done, I'm going to probably bring it with me on vacation! 

Sunday 14 September 2014

Knitting with Toothpicks

Good news! First of all I finally finished off the baby light brown yarn I bought waaay back then (you know, the one ball of yarn that wouldn't run out even after knitting a scarf, gloves, mitts and a bookmark?).
That's right, I incorporated it into a birthday card for one of my close friends! If you couldn't guess from the picture, their birthday is coming up soon. (Now I just have to think of a good present for her too ...)
Anyway, I made it after seeing it as part of a post on an article about what to do with your leftover yarn. For anybody wondering, its simply 1 x 1 ribbing. I think it looks adorable with the toothpicks acting as its needles. In actuality, the needles were the size US 0 ones I bought from the dollar store that I always wondered what I'd use it for. It was definitely strange using such skinny needles. It almost felt like if I pushed it a little too hard, the needles would just either snap or bend. The yarn itself is pretty light weight too, but even that felt like it was too bulky for these needles. Together it created the cutest itty bitty ribs though! But back to what I was saying before.. I'm definitely glad I got rid of one ball of leftover yarn from my stash!


Tuesday 9 September 2014

Well intentioned gift, but...

As I look for a new project to do, I've been looking through my yarn stash seeing what I would be able to make. I come across this:
Its eyelash yarn, given to me last Christmas by my aunt and uncle. While I don't want to sound ungrateful, (they definitely had an idea of what I wanted if they bought me yarn) and I'm trying to be appreciative... I do want to say that I honestly have no clue what to do with this yarn. No clue at all. I tried searching it up on google too but the results I get are like 'use eyelash yarn to line a hat/bag' or 'an eyelash scarf!'. These might have been good ideas though if my yarn weren't also odd colors. Orange + dark brown + green makes me think of Halloween. Not something I really want to line a bag/ hat with (and plus I have two balls... I don't want more than one eyelash lined hat existing!), and also nobody I know, including me and my aunt and uncle, would probably be willing to wear an orange + dark brown + green eyelash scarf (which contrary to the last post, two balls of this doesn't seem to be enough to make an entire scarf anyway). So, what can I do? I don't want it sitting in my stash forever (I feel a tad guilty every time I see it there, as if it knows I don't like it or something). Perhaps I should add 'Use my eyelash yarn' to my knitting list. It'll be more impressive than knitting a sweater when I find some use for this!

P.s. In case anyone is keeping count, this is my 50th post! I'd love to do giveaways someday to thank my handful of readers for actually reading my humble little blog (maybe if my audience ever reaches the double digits heh), but the only thing I'm willing to give away from my precious, yet poorly stocked yarn collection is... you guessed it, this eyelash yarn. So ... if anybody wants it... give me a shout!

Monday 8 September 2014

Show your Stripes

My newest project was sort of a spontaneous one. After the finish of my last project, I asked my coworker if they wanted me to make them anything since I was looking to start a new project right away (can't go one day without knitting it seems). They said they wanted a scarf, which was fine except I didn't have enough yarn of one color to make a whole scarf. So, I dug around, and finally found a pattern that she'd be happy to receive, and I'd be happy to make. I present to you... the Leftovers Cowl.


It didn't really use up a lot of my leftover yarn. The only color it completely used up was the white one. Normally, this would be a pretty boring knit for me since its basically just knit stitches while alternating colors, but it actually wasn't since it allowed me to binge watch my shows while mindlessly knitting. I got through 31 twenty minute episodes, heh!
It wasn't as if I didn't learn anything either. I learned how to do the provisional cast on stitch, as well as how to do the kitchener stitch in the round. I think I'm way better grafting now as it is actually practically invisible and not [immediately] obvious where I connected my tube together. Anyway, I'm really happy with how it turned out! I definitely want to knit more nice looking scarves. I know I should be proud of my earlier projects, but it actually does bug me that my first four scarves/ cowls were so ugly, haha. Well the only thing I can do is keep knitting more and more!