Tuesday 9 September 2014

Well intentioned gift, but...

As I look for a new project to do, I've been looking through my yarn stash seeing what I would be able to make. I come across this:
Its eyelash yarn, given to me last Christmas by my aunt and uncle. While I don't want to sound ungrateful, (they definitely had an idea of what I wanted if they bought me yarn) and I'm trying to be appreciative... I do want to say that I honestly have no clue what to do with this yarn. No clue at all. I tried searching it up on google too but the results I get are like 'use eyelash yarn to line a hat/bag' or 'an eyelash scarf!'. These might have been good ideas though if my yarn weren't also odd colors. Orange + dark brown + green makes me think of Halloween. Not something I really want to line a bag/ hat with (and plus I have two balls... I don't want more than one eyelash lined hat existing!), and also nobody I know, including me and my aunt and uncle, would probably be willing to wear an orange + dark brown + green eyelash scarf (which contrary to the last post, two balls of this doesn't seem to be enough to make an entire scarf anyway). So, what can I do? I don't want it sitting in my stash forever (I feel a tad guilty every time I see it there, as if it knows I don't like it or something). Perhaps I should add 'Use my eyelash yarn' to my knitting list. It'll be more impressive than knitting a sweater when I find some use for this!

P.s. In case anyone is keeping count, this is my 50th post! I'd love to do giveaways someday to thank my handful of readers for actually reading my humble little blog (maybe if my audience ever reaches the double digits heh), but the only thing I'm willing to give away from my precious, yet poorly stocked yarn collection is... you guessed it, this eyelash yarn. So ... if anybody wants it... give me a shout!

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