Monday 30 June 2014

Progress in the making

So, as I said, I am making a blanket! It is going to be 9 rectangle panels with pictures of something on them crocheted together with a banner at the bottom. I've only just finished number four of nine, so I figured this will take a while! Here are the 4 so far! It is going to be a colorful blanket for sure!
I'm aiming to finish this at the end of July, but I'm going on a 4 day vacation near the end of the month, so in reality, it will probably be finished sometime in August.
This project is going to be given away to my sister, as she will most likely like it more than I will. I was supposed to give that pink crocheted project to her, but I liked it so much that I kept it for myself haha. So this will somewhat make up for that hopefully! 

Sunday 22 June 2014

Weaving in ends pt. 2

Well, I did it!! I successfully was able to figure out a way to weave in as you go without having to weave in a million ends. It looks so much neater too!
When I was cutting the yarn whenever I needed to change colors because it was too long to strand, I ended up with so many loose ends that needed to be weaved in when I was done (and sometimes I got lazy and so it resulted in lots of knots). This weaving as you go is so much neater! And also, when I'm done, I'll really be done and not have to waste 3 hours just weaving! I sort of think this is what you're supposed to do though, and I was originally just doing it all wrong because there's no way anybody would ever do color work when the project has too many long stretches of one color where you needed to constantly be cutting and creating ends because the end result is too tedious!
Anyway, if anyone is wondering ... I'm knitting a blanket right now! That's why its been a while between projects right now. Hopefully I'll be done within the month! I better get back to furiously knitting! 

Friday 13 June 2014

Weaving in ends

So, I started a new fair-isle project, something I haven't done since my Totoro mitts, and... well, I didn't miss this:
I mean, I'm barely even half-way and I already weaved in some ends, and I've already still accumulated this much! Did I already mention how much I hate weaving in ends??? Well, thanks to google, I searched up if there was some easier, quicker way, and there is! It's called knit-as-you-go, and apparently you just .. well, weave in ends as you knit, so that in the end, when all is finished, you just have to clip the excess. So, my battle plan for tomorrow is.... I will painstakingly weave in all these ends (which will actually probably take up all my time ..), and then start this new method of weaving in ends as you go! Alright, wish me luck!!

Monday 9 June 2014

Another 'First'

I learned to crochet successfully! You could probably tell from my previous post that I was crocheting a pretty pink something, and that something is ......
..... a shrug!! I think it looks fantastic, and it looks really impressive for such a beginner project. Basically all you need to know is how to chain and single crochet and you end up with something pretty warm and cozy! I guess after I got the hang of crocheting, I must admit that it does work faster than knitting. It feels a little stiff though, but I'm not sure if that's from the yarn being crocheted or because the yarn quality itself felt kind of stiff (I used 100% acrylic Red Heart). Regardless, I love it, and definitely something that I wouldn't be embarrassed to wear outside haha.
If you want to make your own, here is the link! I think I will definitely be crocheting again! I want to become more familiar with its techniques and whatnot now that I have the very basics pat-down. I don't know if my knowledge of knitting helped, but I noticed my first crochet project had considerably less mistakes in it than my first knit project (straight single crochet vs. Straight knit stitch). Anyway, for my next project, I have no idea whether to knit something (because I sort of miss it) or to crochet a new something... hm.. but I think I'll give it one or two days before I dive into anything new!

Sunday 1 June 2014

Pulling Through

Family has criticized me for doing nothing but knitting all day. Well, now they can rest easy because for the next little while, I'll be crocheting all day! I'm finally putting my sister's gift to use. Honestly, finding a pattern and just trying to figure everything out was pretty confusing at first (once again, thank god for YouTube videos!) Like instead of CO #, which is how you would typically begin in knitting, its Ch #, and then I had to google what sc meant, and then find a video demonstrating to me how to do it. Figuring out how to read a pattern wasn't the hardest part though .. actually figuring out how to crochet was the most difficult. Suddenly, I've been reduced from two needles to one hook, and so managing my grip felt awkward. I do wonder though, how it must feel if a crochet-er suddenly began to learn to knit. For a couple minutes, I couldn't even maneuver the hook to make the first chain. For some reason, I just couldn't pull the hook through the yarn.

After much effort however, here are my first four chains!
 Not looking too bad I hope! I do know that my tension is not even for sure, but I'll worry about shaping my skill later. Anyway, after the first couple of chains, I really got the hang of it. So before I knew it, I finished crocheting the amont of chains the pattern called for:
Then I got to the part where I had to start single crocheting. Honestly, I had some trouble with this. In knitting its so obvious which stitch you're going to knit next, but in crochet, I felt like I have to really look to see if I am sc-ing the right loop. Not only that, but I also had issues with fitting that crochet hook through the loop in the first place. I've heard people say that crocheting is a lot faster than knitting, but I think that it definitely will not be the case for me. It took me forever just to get to this point:
And as you can see, I'm not even done that row!
Well I will just have to keep power through-ing! Hopefully it will all get better the more I crochet!