Friday 13 June 2014

Weaving in ends

So, I started a new fair-isle project, something I haven't done since my Totoro mitts, and... well, I didn't miss this:
I mean, I'm barely even half-way and I already weaved in some ends, and I've already still accumulated this much! Did I already mention how much I hate weaving in ends??? Well, thanks to google, I searched up if there was some easier, quicker way, and there is! It's called knit-as-you-go, and apparently you just .. well, weave in ends as you knit, so that in the end, when all is finished, you just have to clip the excess. So, my battle plan for tomorrow is.... I will painstakingly weave in all these ends (which will actually probably take up all my time ..), and then start this new method of weaving in ends as you go! Alright, wish me luck!!

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