Saturday 9 May 2015

In Dog News...

I love love love dogs! 

I slept over at my cousin's the other day and hung out with her Pom! 
I don't think I'm used to small dogs! They're so small and scuttle-y but so cute! Her Pom unfortunately doesn't get along with other dogs, so I can't let her play with mine. Speaking of, they are being all lovey dovey lately.

Sleeping together, and also playing together at the dog park! I tried out a new dog park, and although it's a bit further than my usual dog park, I like the environment there much better! More space, more shade, lots of bushes and logs and other things that scream nature! Here they are playing a scene from the Lion King!
Today, I only took Ellie out for a nature hike with my friend (my sister had Yuna at her place). 
I hope she enjoyed the walk! The scenery is beautiful! I'm so happy that there has been so much sun lately and that I actually get to enjoy it too! Blue skies, green grass.. And chilling under a tree, my kind of day! 
Too bad I didn't bring my knitting, it seems like it'd be a good spot to relax and knit loose! 

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