Thursday 7 May 2015

Baby Soft

An old old friend of mine spontaneously messaged me on Facebook asking if I could knit her something for her new baby. At first she asked for a baby blanket. My first thought was No Way.. Not for somebody I haven't talked to in years, and especially since I just finished knitting a baby blanket. And also because it's time consuming and expensive! 

But ... I have such a hard time saying "no" to people. Well, I did say no at first. And then I started feeling bad because somebody is basically just telling me they really like my work! However, since she didn't offer to pay me, and I felt too awkward to ask for any payment, I told her I will knit her what I felt like knitting. After all, I had some baby yarn in my stash I wanted to use! 
Soft colours, perfect for a little baby! 

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