Friday 1 May 2015

Bag half full

I knitted my first ever bag (courtesy of Sweet Stranded Bag)! It's a drawstring bag, and despite what the picture might look like, I am not actually going to put buttons in there.

Instead, I want to fill it with my feminine hygiene products, as right now they're just thrown into my bag. But if you're also a woman, you'll know how embarrassing it is when you reach in to grab something from your purse and out falls a pad. So, I thought this cute little green hearted bag could help shield away some of that embarrassment!

I knitted this with leftover fingering yarn. This pattern clearly does not use a lot of yarn though because I still have a lot of leftover leftovers leftover.

The chord was made from just a single crochet chain used with my new bamboo hooks! I didn't make the same ichord that the pattern suggested because for the life of me, I could not get a handle on the provisional cast on.

I know, I know. Why did I give up learning a new skill? Well because I plainly didn't feel like trying and ripping something a million types. Trying to be more positive as a person, but my stress levels have taken a spike upwards. Knitting is happiness though!

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