Sunday 10 May 2015


This is the problem when your pattern mostly calls for row after row of purely knits and purls. For all the love I have for knitting, it still gets boring. Today, I worked on my current project until I finished watching all the episodes there were to Episodes. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything else worthy of watching on Netflix, and couldn't bring myself to knit without watching anything, so I put my knitting down for the day to focus on other things.

I went and bought my husky a long leash so that she could roam around the backyard by herself. 
She surprised me by following along near me quite well despite the option of not having to go where I go. It made me feel pretty gleeful as there was a part of me that was always a tad disappointed that she just isn't that loyal in comparison to Yuna who had moved out. But I guess she must be somewhat! It gave me a little hope that my dog does love me as much as I love her. (Okay, I knew she likes me, but she likes everybody, and I wanted to be special!)

Anyway, after hanging out with my dog, I only had the patience to knit two more rows before putting it down again to read a book. The last time I read a book must have been a couple of months ago! So this was nice (also, notice the familiar bookmark?)

I have this .. preference for only enjoying reading when I'm reading outloud. I mean, I can silent read, like when it's inconvenient to read outloud or my mouth is dry or something, but I really do like hearing my own voice say words. 

Too bad you can't knit and read at the same time, or else I'd probably trade in Netflix with a good book. It's also too bad that I don't like to listen to audio books! 

Anyway, I'm really hoping to get my ass in gear and finish the project by this week. I feel especially anxious to finish it since its for someone. But man.. I'm hating the repetitiveness of it all. 

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