Friday 24 April 2015

Mystery Blanket Solved!

If you've been reading my last several many posts, then you should know I've been knitting a blanket! Not just any blanket, a Mystery Blanket! Well, here it is!
As you can see, every panel is a different panel! Here is how the blanket looked without the crochet edge.

I think the crocheted border made it look so cute, like a baby blanket! Although, for its size, it pretty much is a baby blanket.

After knitting the squares, putting it together took a while because of weaving in the ends, which is my least favourite thing to do!

My friend wants to have the blanket because I said I wasn't sure if I was even going to actually use it. I'm a process knitter, so as the name sounds, I like knitting for the process of knitting rather than knitting just for the end result. I do love the end result though because I feel so accomplished, but when I choose the pattern, I choose depending on if I think knitting it will be fun. Maybe I will give it away. That friend has been asking for something for a long time. Well .. I'll see how I feel about it after the day has passed!

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