Sunday 26 April 2015

Beautiful beautiful yarn and follow up on my new needles!

So, I've been saving up that expensive yarn my friend bought for me in Seattle for a perfect project. I finally found a suitable pattern as the pattern itself states it's best with 'aspecial' yarn (although I thought 'aspecial' would mean it's not special, and this yarn is definitely special ... But I think it was trying to say best for yarns that aren't a complete solid colour. Otherwise, well.. That'd be odd phrasing to market itself)

Anyway, it came in a hank, and I just looove unravelling hanks /s.
Yeah, Some people use special equipment, some people use chair/ table legs, I use my knees (wow, look at all that dog hair) to unravel hanks. 

I know it's almost summer, but this yarn seriously screams autumn. Actually, since the first project I ever made, I don't think I've used non-solid colour yarn again. But I think it will be beautiful, the way the browns and yellows sort of blend in together.
With this awesome yarn, I also get to test out my new needles (yay!) The bamboo is incredibly light; I feel like my wrist hurts a lot less because of that, and my fingers don't feel as stiff from pressing up against aluminum all the time. Not that I've never used bamboo before (I have bamboo double pointed needles) but I never used them that often to really notice a difference. There are drawbacks though. The chord between the needles is a little sticky, so when I'm using magic loop, it is a little tedious sliding the needles down the chord as you have to keep pushing it instead of a smooth slide. 

Honestly though, for the price I paid for the needle, I'd be surprised if there weren't any faults. Here's to hoping they last for a long long time! 

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