Sunday 26 April 2015

For someone who typically doesn't care for cheesy messages, I sure find myself writing a lot about them lately

I feel like I just got over my quarter of a life crises. Some good things have been happening to me, and I'm trying to be somewhat more positive in my thinking (maybe I'm only an eensie bit more positive than I was), but I feel like I've regained some control of how I think my life should be. 

I think the problem was at 23, I felt like I should be on a certain career path, making a certain wage, have travelled way more than I have and just be on the right beginnings to a path leading to a successful and comfortable life. After all, that's what all my friends seem to be doing, and I felt somewhat left behind.

So, did anything change? Not really. But I feel like I learned to be more appreciative of some things, learned the importance of planning other things, and learned to let many things go. I've always been more of a 'go with the flow' type, so I don't know why I was having such a panic attack over how I thought things should be. Of course, anxiety is still there, but I also remind myself more, that things are looking up. Or even if it isn't, there's still so much cool things around me that I could be focusing on. 

That's why my walks with Ellie are so relaxing. I found a couple things that really made my day! For instance, a puppy!
How cute is that?! I also found more interesting flowers that I've grown to love so much! 
And lastly, walking home, somebody wrote this on the ground.
Now obviously the person who wrote that doesn't know me, so I had no reason to smile. For all anybody knew, I could be a horrible person. But then I figured I was thinking too much again, and smiled anyway. 

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