Friday 3 April 2015

Finished Another One!

Wow, I really am being a negligent host to my cousin who has come to visit, haha! That's pretty evident with the finish of my second square completed today! (I swear I'll make it up to her tomorrow!!) 

This one has cables

I've always loved the looks of cables! It looks like cords just weaving around each other! This particular cable pattern also looks like it has an added twist when  the cables intersect.

I'm starting to wonder if the colour palette is going to go well together .. It's all the fault of the bright green colour, but that's the one I want to use up the most (I mean, what else could I use it for? No way am I going to wear bright green hats or gloves or scarves). Also I have to consider the fact that I've run out of the bright yellow colour, so that's going to be the only bright yellow square in the whole blanket. I'm thinking I'll add in white squares to soften the entire look. 

Welp, twelve more squares to go!

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