Saturday 4 April 2015

Being a good host!

As promised, I was a good host today! I took my cousin to many nature adventures, along with the dogs who had a long and satisfying walk. Before that though, first for lunch, we went to visit my aunt and uncle's house where we got to eat homemade hamburgers!

It was pretty yummy, but I have a huge kankersore so eating fatty and fried foods hurts a lot (although it didn't stop me!) 

After, we went to a river behind their house! The weather thankfully behaved (weather always changes so quickly here)

I really loved how the clouds formed. Makes me seem like a better photographer than I am, even though it was the nature that's pretty, not my photography skills. 

Then, we went to a nearby park! It's surrounds an inlet that connects to the ocean. Many people sail their boats around, and there were lots of dogs and joggers making the place pretty lively.

It was a lot of fun, but I'm so tired now! I definitely want to fit in some knitting first before I sleep though! Day is never complete without my stitches! 

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