Sunday 19 April 2015

A Waffle

I am so happy today! I spent time with my family at Buntzen Lake. 

We actually didn't spend very long there, but I've always felt really relaxed with nature. Especially when I see calm large bodies of water. You just kind of get lost in your own mind staring into it. It just feels sort of freeing; unrestrained.
Even just a short amount of time spent there helped to loosen up some anxieties. After that, I went out with a friend that I haven't seen in a while, but that I love so much so that when we see each other, we just pick up from where we left off (no pictures, sorry!) We just had one of the best talks. We just talked about everything. She is so great! She let me just talk about all my worries, and let me ramble on and I knew there was no judgement and she was so patient .. She's seriously like my little therapist. I felt like it was just what I needed. 

Between the nature walks and letting it all out, I really think my mood is picking up. I'm starting to feel more positive, and all I really wanted to feel was that I was going to be okay no matter what decisions I made. Even though I thought I was heading towards a particular path, and I ended up getting lost, I know I'll be fine. That's all I wanted to know, and I thought all my past negativity stemmed from worrying that I've somehow failed. Well, I'm not totally done worrying about that, but its lost its sense of urgency.

And who can forget my mode of meditation! Knitting! I finished making a waffle looking panel today!
I only have two panels left until I'm done my blanket!! Knitting gives me a sense of accomplishment that boosts up my self-esteem so much. The fact that I made something makes me feel so proud. Like I was productive today. It also keeps my mind busy so that it's not always focused on my worries. 

I can't wait until I'm done the entire blanket! When I'm finished an entire project, that's when I feel the most accomplished! Until then, keep on knitting! 

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