Monday 13 April 2015

50% of the Way

With the finish of this: 
I am halfway there to being done! It reminds me of a bunch of Suns shining brightly! This one was actually difficult, not because it actually was difficult but because the instructions were confusing. One of the lines said "k2, yo, k1, k2tog. Twice, k1, yo, k2". Well the 'twice' there confused me. At first, I thought it was a weird way to write do the k1, yo, k2 part once more, but it turned out to be wrong. Then I wondered if it meant to do the first part twice .. But it also wasn't it. It also wasn't do k1 twice. So, not sure if it was just something that I didn't know what it meant, but it must have been because a Google search yielded no explanations. In the end, after using logic and reason, it turned out twice referred to the k2tog. So why didn't I think it was that at first? Well because the k2tog ended in a period, and then it said twice, so I had no idea it would be connected together. But I guess it's common knowledge that twice meant do whatever came before it twice, and now at least it's part of my knowledge too!

Anyway, I laid everything that I've knit so far out, to see approximately how big it would be.

It actually looks like it will be very small!! Maybe a baby blanket size. Perhaps I should add an extra row? Things to think about .. 

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