Friday 10 April 2015

Lucky panel number Seven

Number seven has been finished! And boy, is it a beauty! 

It looks better when it's stretched, but since I'm using 100% acrylic yarn, I can't really block it. But I'm sure once I sew it together with all the other panels, it will naturally stretch out, and then you can see all its intricacies. 

It's so pretty! I love how it looks like the stitches just suddenly switch directions, and go against each other. Like a lot of pinwheels blown in the wind :) 

On an unrelated note, I went on a coworker date with sushi and ice cream the other day, and the ice cream was amazing!

The ice cream parlour was like an old mom and pop shop! Very classic feel to it. The ice cream itself was amazing! I ordered the butterscotch sundae, and it was so worth it! It tastes just as good as it looks! 

See?! Who needs to hang out with their boyfriend when you have friends? Obviously not me! I can find stuff to do while he's away! I got my knitting and my hanging out! I got this .... 

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