Monday 13 April 2015

100th post!!!

I've always imagined my 100th blog post to be something exciting - like maybe I designed something awesome or I finished this really tough project. Instead, it's about the 9th panel of a blanket I just made.

So basically, nothing really special. Nobody really has an interest in a blanket in the middle of progress; they want to see how the end product looks like. I wish I had something special to show, for my 100th post, but all I have is this:
And, it even looks so similar to one of the other panels already.
It's the one in the right in case you can't tell the difference (coincidentally, they both are green as well). It just looks more spread out. Despite what appears to be my negativity, I quite like it. I mean, it looks different enough for me to like it, but not special enough to be part of my 100th blog post, which it is anyways. 

But to make this post sort of special, in celebration of me keeping up this blog and updating it until there are 100 posts, I just want to thank everyone who has read my blog, even just once or in passing, but especially those who comes to read more than once. It makes me excited especially when someone from another country (so not Canada) reads it (I've had the US, Australia, Russia, Ireland, France, UK, Poland, Turkey, Sweden and Germany) so I know they aren't just my friends from Canada that I've sort of mentioned my blog to and they read it out of obligation because they're so nice to me. 

I mean, I don't have trendy new designs people can buy or download, and I don't have tutorials or anything like that, so honestly the fact that anybody has read what I wrote even once makes me so so happy! I just like talking about my knitting, and whatever other thoughts I might have that sometimes aren't about knitting, and it looks like some people are actually enjoying it! It's a cool feeling that's quite hard to explain, but long cheesy story short, thanks guys!!

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