Monday 23 March 2015

The Moose is on the Loose

So, just under one month of straight knitting - knitting when home from work, before work, before bed, weekends .. basically until my fingers have all but given up on life, will get you this:
Man, it was fun to make. But by the time I got to the last sleeve, I was ready to call it quits. The first reaction I got from the first few people I showed it to went along the lines of "Wow, that's nice.. but can you make it a little longer?" Well, no I can't! I've casted off already! And, this was a 90's style pattern so I'm pretty sure (not that sure ..) that this was the style back then.
Like the problem with my slippers, when it came down to finding buttons, I just had to settle for ones that looked similar enough. Who knew there was fifty shades of brown that existed?
I made this cardigan out of that giant worsted weight red heart package my aunt bought me, if anyone recalls. I thought I'd have used up at least three of the four balls. But, nope. I didn't even use up one. There is a lot of yardage in one of those balls.
All the material needed to make this thing!
I feel like I still need to work on my colorwork. I'm actually not sure if I'm doing it right! In the picture below, you can see how some of the black is peeking out where it should be all white.

Regardless, I love the way it turned out.What drew me to this pattern is sort of cheesy. Something romantic about two moose coming out to eat on a chilly winter evening.
[Edit: I forgot to credit the pattern designer! Here it is!] 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh It looks amazing!!!! you are so talented!!!
    Holy cow!! not even 1 ball! thats impressive!!!

    - Your crocheting creeper ;)
