Thursday 26 March 2015

Owl you need is love

A coworker of mine asked if I would be willing to make some things for a baby shower, so I began planning things I could make for her! So, here is one of hopefully several projects that I'm going to make for a future baby girl! 
Isn't it cute? I think the pretty pink bow really completes the picture! And I Crocheted it (except for the bow which was knit)!! The bad thing about crochet is that I honestly can't tell if I made any mistakes ..not even when I'm pretty sure I messed up the pattern somewhere. But it looks like everything turned out alright! I think anyone can tell its an owl right? What's more, I crocheted this in maybe ~3 hours! So fast!! There's no way you could knit a newborn hat in that amount of time!
It was pretty fun to make, and it increased my confidence in my ability to try out new things for crocheting! How many things must I crochet until I'm considered a full fledge hooker?!

1 comment:

  1. It looks awesome!!!
    So proud of you, you little hooker :)
