Monday 16 March 2015

Solo Adventure

It's almost been a month since my boyfriend flew back to China, so I guess I just have to wait for four more months until he comes back! Meanwhile, I find myself watching a lot of my home videos of us two. It's nice to reminisce old adventures we went on, and I'm actually pretty jealous he's out on a solo adventure on his own (although he'd state the contrary; always saying he misses home).

Anyway, I apologize for whining like a lovesick schoolgirl! It's one of those nights where I wish my life was more exciting! I just wish something would happen! And I know, blah blah blah .. I should go out to find adventure and not expect it to find me, but wouldn't it be more fun if it came up from behind and surprised you (thanks to a dirty minded co-worker, I really want to insert a 'that's what she said joke here)?

Anyway, I want to put in something knitted related in this post, so here's a sneak peek of a sleeve of what's to come:
That's all I'll provide you with for now. I'll give full details when the project is completely finished, and my intuition says I should be done in at most 2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHAHAHA your coworker sounds pretty awesome !!! Hahahaha

    - your crocheting creeper ;)
