Tuesday 31 March 2015

Is my blanket in jeopardy?!

Well I finished the second mystery stitch block of my blanket!

To be honest, it looks a little unimpressive. It's simple enough to do, only knits and purls arranged to create this zigzag texture. However, it isn't because it's easy that I'm not too fond of it. It's because it is actually hard to see. Granted it may have something to do with the bright yellow colour, but I still expected it to stick out a little more.

Also, because I'm using scrap yarn, I knew I was in trouble when I saw this: 

There was no way I could finish this square with that amount of yarn left. So at this point, I saw three options. The first is frog the whole thing and save the scrap yarn for something else. But .. Lazy me, I didn't want to start over, and I was so close to finishing! I'm just missing a couple rows! Also, I really really want to use up this scrap yarn and never think up any filler projects just to finish it. The second option is knitting as much of the square as I can with the yarn and then attach a new colour to it to complete the square. I seriously considered this option because I have a pale yellow yarn I am planning to use, which I could potentially also use to finish up this square. However, I think the result would be too striking, and I don't want to draw any attention to something that will look so ugly and obvious and ruin my blanket. So where does that leave us? With option three! Because I'm not missing too much rows, I chose to simply cast off early. I'll probably just stretch the fabric when I sew everything together so it matches the size of the other squares. The problem with this is when it stretches, the zigzag pattern is even harder to see! I'm also sure that it will somehow negatively affect how my blanket drapes. Despite all this, I still believe it to be the best option. 

I hope hope hope the blanket won't turn out hideous! I've been having a good streak of making beautiful projects that I'm 100% proud of lately!

I hope the rest of my mystery stitches won't bully me like this one did! 

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