Friday 13 March 2015

I'd make bad tutorials

So a friend at work wanted to learn knitting, so of course (me being a tad arrogant I guess) jumped at the chance at teaching somebody. I had an extra US size 8 straight needles anyway that I could give her and a bunch of scrap yarn she could help take off my hands that she could practice with, so with that, I thought I was prepared.

... Well, it's a wonder any of my clients learn anything from me. I'm a terrible teacher. I forgot how difficult it was when I was first starting out. I just thought that if she saw me do it, then she'd just be able to magically copy me. Just like that. Well, from the tone this post is going, that clearly did not happen. My explanations were really choppy and unclear and my demonstrations were so quick she struggled to copy me. 

I decided to teach her the long tail cast-on rather than the standard cast-on because the basic one doesn't really have good elasticity, and I myself, haven't used the basic one since I learned long tail cast-on. I also taught her knit stitch and tried to give a crash course in casting off (although we didn't have enough time for her to really get it). 

At the end of the 'lesson' however, she told me she wanted to do it again next week too! And also she said she had a lot of fun! I guess that must mean I'm doing something right! Hope she's ready to learn purling next week!!

1 comment:

  1. Nonsense!!!!
    You are an incredible teacher! Your clients are very lucky to have the opportunity to learn from you. & it sounds like your co-worker learned so knitting skills from you! I know I have :)

    <3 your crocheting creeper
