Saturday 21 February 2015

Warning: Cheesy post ahead! My Golden 10 Year anniversary!

So yesterday was my 10th anniversary with my boyfriend! I'm so glad that I got to spend it with him before he jets off to China, and I won't be able to see him for 5 months, which is the longest we would ever be away from one another since we started dating in gr. 8. I think before that, the longest was only one month which felt long enough already.

Anyway, to celebrate, I dug up lots of old pictures of every year we were together.
2005: Back when taking photos in photo booths were all the rage

2006: Trip to Disneyland with my family (Oh my God, his hair.)
2007: That time in Playland where we won all those toys

2008: When we tried to look fancy for my birthday dinner!
2009: The prom! Our last year of high school
2010: Celebrating the Vancouver Olympics
2011: Tandem biking around Stanley Park
2012: Handmade Mario cake for his birthday!
2013: We started getting into pumpkin carving on Halloween

2014: The year we brought Ellie home [edit: found a better family photo of us three :) ]

That brings us to this year!
 2015: Marks 10 years! We dressed up all nicely to celebrate! 
I love making cards! I was pretty proud of how cute it turned out and so I had to share. Although I drew it myself, I copied images from the internet.
We walked around Granville Island where there are so many arts and craft stores. Sadly, no yarn stores (they even had a store dedicated to people who beaded as a hobby, which I would've thought was less popular than knitting/crocheting).
We topped off the night with dinner at Kobe where they offered Teppenyaki! The chef really put on a good show. The picture in the middle is a cocktail drink we ordered just because they allowed you to take the cup home, which I thought would make a great memento.

Anyways, if 10 years passed by just like that, then I'm sure 5 months will be gone in a flash (trying to make myself feel better haha). I am excited about having more time to myself to knit though! Happy knitting guys!

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