Saturday 14 February 2015

Love is in the Air

Happy Valentine's Day! And it's all about love. Let me spell it out for you!

Yeah, I totally saw another knit blogger spell things out of yarn during Christmas (like 'joy', 'snow' etc.) so I was inspired to try to write words out of yarn too! I thought it would be tough to get the yarn to stay in the right place, but it all just stayed put :)

Despite people's complaints about Valentine's Day being heavily commercialized, I love Valentine's Day! Especially the Valentine's Day cards! 
Those are cards I've collected from the kids at work! Isn't it sweet?

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my boyfriend today though. He usually makes me plan things, but I can't think of a thing! Maybe dinner, or spend the day with our dog? Whatever we end up doing, I hope it'll be fun! We're not really a romantic kind of couple, but we're usually pretty good at making special days special (I mean that in a good way.. usually!)!

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