Tuesday 10 February 2015

Toasty Toes!

Hi everyone! I finished my slippers! They're pretty trendy if I do say so myself! They look like knit Ugg boots for indoors. And, another more superficial benefit of them is that they cover my ugly toes when I take photos indoors. Surprisingly, slippers are knit completely different from socks (well, at least these ones were).
It took a little longer than expected to finish them because I've been so burnt-out from work, but I think if I just straight knitted, it would take less than a week to complete. By the way, here is the pattern!

For such pretty looking slippers, it was relatively easy to make. The only trouble I had was attaching the band to the actual slipper. Thanks to some quick thinking, I used stitch holders to hold the band in place while I sewed it together.

Another problem I ran into, was finding six identical buttons. I went to the dollar store (because Michael's buttons are so expensive) and bought two giant bags of buttons thinking that there's got to be six matches somewhere in there.
Yeah. The most I found were three of the same. So then, what did I use on my slippers? Well, to be honest, I just used ones that were similar enough. I mean, I don't think you can really tell unless you look really close. At least I've got a ton of extra buttons for future projects!

Too bad winter is almost over. I don't really have a reason to wear these beautiful slippers!


  1. These are so cute!! how long did it take you to make them?:)

    1. Thanks for commenting! Haha, took two weeks-ish :) I think I need a bigger project
