Monday 9 February 2015

Out with the Old, in with the New!

In a week, it's going to be me and my boyfriend's 10 year anniversary (time flies doesn't it?)! Needless to say, I'm super excited about it, and have been planning meticulously for what to do and what to get. My boyfriend however, decided to give me my gift early! Ta-dah!
I have joined the 21st century and now finally own an iPhone! The phone on the left is my old phone .. even kids have mistaken it for a toy phone before, ha! I've had it for 5 years now, so I guess an upgrade has been long overdue. What I'm most excited about though, is the camera! Remember how after almost every post I complain about my shitty camera? Well, the iPhone camera is supposed to be much better than the camera I've been using on my Window's tablet. Hopefully the days of blurred details on my precious knitted objects will be a thing of the past. I want everyone to see every stitch, every design and every mistake I've made on one of my projects. I hope it doesn't sound too silly being excited about a camera phone, since it's by no means a professional camera, but hey, it's a huge upgrade for me!
This is a photo of my current project from my tablet:

I've edited it to make it look nicer already. And, here is a picture from my new phone!
 Okay, maybe I should've taken the same photo with my two different cameras to really drive the point home, but I think it's pretty clear anyway that the photo quality is different.
In case you were wondering why it's taken me this long to knit a pair of slippers that should've taken me maybe only a week, it's because I have been planning for this big event. But no worries, progress is slow, but it's happening!

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