Monday 27 October 2014

Updated list Part 3

It's been around six months since I've updated my knitting list of things to do, so I thought it'd be a good time to see how I've progressed in my knitting quest. Time sure flies though! I've been looking at all my old knitted finished objects and thinking about how I used to think it was so hard to make them, and had to look at endless Youtube tutorials, and endlessly frog, knit and refrog my work until it was perfect. Now, I'm confident I can make most of anything as long as I find a nice well written pattern!

So, things I can cross off my list:
1. Organize: I sort of accomplished this with the purchase of my three shelves. I mean, it could be neater, but at least they're not all thrown into several environmental bags anymore.

2. Mistake-less project: well, that cabled headband I made my sister was pretty flawless, as was that diamond headband I made for myself!

3. Vest: My beautiful red vest that I made knocks this off my to do list! The only regret that I have is that I didn't take clearer photos of it before giving it away to my aunt. Now the only way to reminisce about it is through my blurry photos..

4. Blanket: One of my most prized creation helps cross this one off! The Game of Thrones blanket.. it really turned out very well!

5. Headband: And it was finished quite recently too... twice!

So, what's still on the list?
1. Sweater: something that I've been preparing for.. just need to wait for my yarn to come!!

2. Bag: This one and the sweater have been on my list for forever, but unlike the sweater, I haven't really thought about this one very much.

3. Brioche: I want to do this, but I'm so intimidated!

4. Design my own pattern: Well, this won't be happening anytime soon .. my skill level is not even close yet!

5. Dishtowel: This one is the most likely to be accomplished next since its so easy to make, but for some reason I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I only have a few things to add to my list:
6. Steeking: I literally just heard of this, and is supposedly super daunting ... I want to try it (successfully) at least once!

7. Mittens with fingers: I've made gloves, and mitts with half fingers, but none with full fingers yet!

And.. that's it! While I'm at it, I'll give you a sneak peek at what I've been working on lately!
That's right, it's socks! Hasn't it been forever since I've made socks? And I find it much easier this time around! 

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