Thursday 30 October 2014

A Study in Mustard Yellow

Finally, the sock section of my blog is a lot less lonely! I made it from Twisted Lizzy's Sock Pattern.
What I love about these socks is that it looks really fancy when I wear boots, but the bottom half where nobody sees is just a super comfy plain stockinette stitch.The pattern was really easy to memorize (and do), and I found socks were a lot easier to make than I remembered. I definitely want to do something much more challenging next time! Because it was pretty mindless to make, I managed to watch the entire series of Sherlock that's available right now. And, I don't know why I didn't watch it sooner, I'm in love! I used to think Benedict Cumberbatch was not very attractive, but now I think he looks kinda cute when he's acting. I keep thinking 'Hobbit' when I see Martin Freeman though, ha (I do think he's a great actor however)! 

Anyway, I suppose I'll have to find a new series for my future project .. maybe I should jump on the Doctor Who bandwagon?

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