Saturday 16 August 2014

You Either Knit or you Die

It's done!! After 2 and a half months of knitting! I knit a Game of Thrones blanket :) Okay, so I'm not completely done yet. I'm planning on adding a fleece backing to the blanket to cover the ugly back. But, I was so excited to finish the knit portion that I had to share! I took the sigil patterns from here. Some sigil patterns I tweaked however because I didn't want to (and too lazy to bother to learn how to) embroider- this is most noticeable on the Stark and Tyrell pattern, but the Baratheon, Lannister, and Targaryen sigils are slightly changed as well.

For the GoT logo, I made the pattern from this neat little site that I found on reddit, but I feel so bad, for the life of me, I can't find the website again to link it here! Basically, you feed the website any picture, and it'll graph it out for you. I think it sounds like knit widget or something like that, but Google isn't showing any results. Well, here is the graph that I got (and personally made easier to read) in case anyone wants to make their own!
It actually didn't come out this neat because I couldn't find any photo of just the logo clearly by itself, so I had to do a lot of cleaning and improvising, but it did give me an awesome base to work with.
I also got the chance to work on my crocheting techniques, as I crocheted the sections together, as well as crocheted a border around the blanket to make it a little less curly, since stockinette stitch is so frustratingly curly. I think when the fleece backing is knit on, the curling should be even less though. Because you probably can't see the border in the main picture, here's a close-up:
It's called the Picot edging found on this Youtube tutorial.
This blanket will be perfect when binge watching the GoT series!

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