Tuesday 5 August 2014

Still Alive

So I'm taking a break from knitting to inform everyone that I'm still alive! I thought I should update since I haven't in quite a while. First of all, I guess I didn't realize just how long knitting a blanket was going to be. I mean, I thought it would just take a month, but I think its been 2 months now, and still ongoing. I think I've gotten to the point where knitting the thing has become more like a chore than actually something to do to keep me happy. I have taken a break from knitting though. Last week I went to Las Vegas! When I came back however, my first thoughts were 'Ugh have to return to work' and then 'Ugh, I'm not even close to finishing the blanket yet'. Well actually, the latter sentence is not true. I think I am half a month away from finishing it! If I had to guess, I'd say I'm 80% finished.

I still think that the blanket is going to look awesome, but man, its so time consuming! I want to knit other things now! I want to knit hats, and gloves, and scarves! Anything else besides this blanket!! I won't give up though! I think the end result will be worth it :)

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