Saturday 16 August 2014

New Beginnings

Wow, it's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of planning a new project. I've been working on the blanket for so long that I've got all these projects that I became interested in.

So, there's a Neon Ski Bonnet that looks really cute, this Angry Birds doll that some kids at work might like, this market bag that would help me be more Eco-friendly, and this dijon top that I've been interested in for quite some time now. I'm eager to knit them all at the same time! But I've made up a rule with myself to only knit one project at a time because it really bugs me when I leave things unfinished.

Before I start on all that though, I still need to buy the fleece backing for my blanket! Maybe I really do have a knitting addiction. I didn't knit at all today (giving my hands some well deserved rest), and it just feels so strange .. like my hands should constantly be doing something.

Honestly speaking, I'll probably start a new project by tomorrow, ha!

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