Monday 18 August 2014

Sewing the back

So yesterday I went to Fabricana and bought a navy blue fleece piece that I thought would fit best with the GoT blanket to cover its ugly back. Today I got around to sewing it on early (as my dog thought it would be a good idea to wake me up at 5:30am and I couldn't get back to sleep.) Thank God my mom is a really experienced sewer (or are they called seamstress?) because once I laid the blanket on the fleece, I already wasn't quite sure what to do. Believe it or not, there aren't any good tutorials out there for how to attach a backing to a knitted piece. Anyway, she showed me how to sew the thing on, and from there I began to really finish off the blanket so I'd never have to think about it again. First, we pinned the blanket in position and trimmed the fleece so that it would only be 1 inch larger than the blanket.
Next, we had to find thread that would be strong enough to hold the back together with the blanket, and not just rip off from the weight. Again, luckily my mom sews because she had just the thread for me! I have no idea of its name, but its thin enough to be relatively invisible, but incredibly strong so that its actually impossible to rip it with your hands. Apparently, its mostly made of plastic, and thus perfect for what I needed.
It actually feels pretty wiry, but once its sewn on, it doesn't make the blanket feel any different. I sewed for probably 5 straight hrs (this is how far I'll go for my hobbies... sigh), and finally, I was done!
You can even see my naughty dog in that photo, who I had to keep pushing off the blanket because I'm guessing she wanted to sleep on it. As you can see, she sadly settled down just above it, ha!
Anyway, now I'm officially done with this blanket, and I'm going to use it to keep me warm once winter comes :)

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