Monday 5 May 2014

They Really Like It!

Remember those sweetheart socks that is a gift for my dear friend? Well I finally had the opportunity to give them to her and she loved it! (Well, paranoid me thinks: appeared to like it anyway!) She's the first non-boyfriend, non-family person I've ever given one of my knitted things to, so I was pretty nervous. On top of that, those were the first socks I ever made, so I noticed a lot of flaws with it. It was so nice for someone else to admire all my hard work though, and incredibly, not even notice any of its flaws! I thought for sure she would notice the ladders, or some of the awkward stitching, but not at all! She posted a pic to Facebook of her wearing the socks, and I was so how happy they fit her!

None of my family or me really wears knitted socks, but I thought knitting socks were pretty fun! So in the future, I know who to direct my knitted socks to!

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