Saturday 3 May 2014

Happy Birthday!!

Yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday! For the last couple of posts, I guess you could see I was knitting something blue with fingering yarn that required several hanks. Well, it was a present for him! I previously made him a scarf already (the first scarf ever made), but he doesn't wear it too often because he says its too hot, so I only see it appear when its snowing like crazy outside. I decided to make him a lighter scarf that he can wear in the spring/ autumn weather, thus why its made from fingering yarn! Here it is:

As you can see, the scarf is unisex, as I think it looks pretty good on the both of us. I took the idea from this pattern, except instead of garter stitch, I did basketweave. Honestly. I think I would've been bored to death if I just did garter stitch (not that basketweave isn't easy or boring, but at least it isn't as repetitive)! Man, does knitting a scarf with fingering knit up slow! It took me practically the whole month to complete this project, and it wasn't even difficult! I love the way it turned out though! Especially the button which I got from Michaels! I think it just gives the scarf a classic feel. I was initially nervous about having to knit button holes, as that is the only new thing that I had to learn from this experience (other than don't knit scarves with fingering yarn ever again unless you want to be bored), but it was a piece of cake. It was literally just about binding off and casting on, both skills which I know already.

Did I already mention how glad I am to be finished? I hate working with hanks!! The third hank that I had to unravel got into this HUGE knot that I tried unknotting for an hour which pretty much ruined parts of the yarn so I had to cut some of the yarn off so now I have two balls of leftover yarn added to my stash when it could've just been one.. I was so mad at myself though because I tried people's advice on how to unravel it properly and I still screwed up! Anyway, although I say that, I do still want to work with hanks again ... I can't give up until I perfect the raveling technique!

Most important fact of all about all this: my boyfriend (appears to anyway ..) really like this scarf! And with the risk of being labelled cheesy, if he's happy, so am I!

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