Sunday 25 May 2014

Not Dead Yet!

Man, I'm so slow, so I just decided to update with something.
Not going to lie, but I'm incredibly proud of the cables! I screwed up a while back, and had to frog like 4 - 5 inches of work (thank god not the whole thing though!!), so that's one reason why I'm taking so long. Not sure if you can see, but there's another mistake where the cable is twisted really weird, but I thought it still looks acceptable enough to not frog it .. (partly because I'm lazy!! I don't want to frog again... I'll never get this done!)
If you haven't guessed already from this and my last post, I'm knitting a vest! I wonder if it will be wearable. My measurements are a little off I noticed. Nevertheless, I'm learning and have learned quite a bit that will hopefully help with the next wearable project if this one doesn't work out. Right now my feelings for the project are mixed between 'this is looking so good!' to 'wow, am I done yet?'. but, I do see the end coming up fast! I'm hoping to finish up this week. I have so many other project ideas lined up in my head! 

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