Monday 12 May 2014

Buy ALL the Needles!

Yesterday my aunt came over and told me she went to a dollar store and saw knitting needles there! I was so excited when I heard that! Only two dollars for one pair of knitting needles?? I needed to go check it out, so this afternoon I hurried over to said dollar store and saw that it was true! At Michaels or Wal-Mart, they are selling needles for $5 to $8 for one pair, and here I was, buying 5 pairs for $10 total. I'm not going to lie to myself, the quality is probably not very good, but what do I know about needle quality anyway? As long as it works, I can't really tell the difference. I mean, it would be nice to have those gorgeous wood or bamboo hand crafted needles I sometimes see others have on YouTube, instead of they gray ones I always seem to end up with ..but hey, maybe I'll get those nice ones when I am wealthier.

Anyway, this is what I bought:
There's a size 11, size 7, and a size 0 (I didn't even know they came in size 0!) I also bought two dpn that are size 8 & size 1. Overall, today was a good day!

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