Sunday 11 May 2014

Just Keep Swimming ...

My current project is something I am really excited about .... excited about finishing the back at least. Look at this:
That's my work in progress-about 20 inches of stockinette stitches, ~100 stitches wide. It's so boring, and I have to tell myself that I have to get this part over with before beginning the fun stuff. But oh my goodness!! I'm doing one or two rows, then I'd surf the internet for a couple of minutes (or make a blog post *ahem*), and do another one or two rows, surf the net again, realize nothings changed on all the sites I like to go to, then rinse and repeat. I wish there was a way for me to simultaneously read and knit at the same time. Or I wish something interesting was on TV, or maybe even a good Youtube channel? But I got nothing, so I'll just have to keep trucking along. I'm almost done, I'm almost done, I'm almost done ....,

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