Wednesday 28 May 2014

My Beautiful Sweater Vest!!!

I'm finally done!! Here it is:
Can you tell how proud I am of this!? It's my first clothing item! And its actually wearable!! I made a medium, but I think the size is too big for me, but that's okay, because I like baggy clothes anyway! There's a few mistakes in there, but not very noticeable. I learned so much while making this vest! The most notable one being that I learned how to make a v-neck, which was a lot easier than I thought it'd be. I was nervous at first because I felt like I didn't quite understand what the instructions was trying to make me do. But... I sort of just went for it, and it just came together!
Ahhh, I just feel so relieved that I'm done and it looks beautiful! I feel so productive and .. accomplished!
If you want to make your own here is the link to the pattern! This definitely won't be the last top that I make .. it was so much fun!
Edit: After admiring my pictures, I realized that I need a better camera! The pics are a bit blurry .. I want to show off each stitch of my hard work, but its hard to see. For example, I noticed it's hard to see the neck band part of the vest, and the pattern on the vest altogether. But then again, these may be just little things that only I notice and care about :)

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