Thursday 6 March 2014

Meet Lumpy!

Wow, I'm so proud of my latest project! It has lots of flaws, for example, its kind of lumpy looking... so like the creative person I am, I named it Lumpy! It's the most challenging project I've worked on to date and took me so long to finish, but I did it!
Its legs are also crooked, but you can't really tell when its sitting. Anyway, I think its really cute. I could go on about its flaws, but honestly, for my first time, I think I did great. I followed this teddy bear pattern. It was the first time I had to make pieces and stuff it, and then assemble everything together.
Anyway, I definitely have to improve on learning to seam and sew because you can totally see it. Youtube videos couldn't save me! Honestly while making the individual pieces, I was starting to doubt if I was doing it right, because I couldn't really see it coming together. There were some terms like 'foll' that I had to really search up what it means, but at the point where I started stuffing it, I knew I was definitely doing it right.

I thought the head was the hardest part to attach to the body though because you don't close the cast-on seams, so its just open while you try to sew it onto the body, which also doesn't have a very obvious placement of where the head is supposed to go.

I wanted to use felt for the eyes - you know, just cut out circles for the eyes, but my sister insisted on using buttons to give it a more classic look. Personally, I think buttons made it look a little creepy (did anyone watch Coraline?), but she was right about it being classic. Anyway I already have a new idea for my next project! I'm hoping to
knit Lumpy some clothes! I figured maybe he'd appreciate something better than a bow. Also, I figured it'd be easier to knit him a sweater or something rather than jumping to humans right away. Although.. I do really want to knit a sweater for people because I have those 2 giant balls of yarn I for Valentine's day... Hmm... well regardless, I will be happy knitting!

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