Saturday 1 March 2014

Slow Knitter

I think the reason I enjoy knitting so much is because it just gives me something to do in my spare time. Something that isn't high intensity, or requires much brain power. It's relaxing how you can just keep knitting stitches, then the next stitch, and the next and the next ...

That being said, I really take my time - actually, I think I can only knit at one speed. I tried different techniques in an attempt to knit faster, but nothing really worked, and I felt the most comfortable knitting the way I originally learned. Why I'm making a post about this is because I've been knitting my latest project for a while now, and I haven't updated my precious blog! Not that I think I have any constant readers (yet), but if I do, its because I'm slow, not because I forgot about my blog!

Anyway stay tuned, I swear I'm almost done my project!

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