Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Bandana Cowl

My first scarf where I learned how to read a pattern! So, I didn't understand knitting in the round. I was knitting it flat up until one part, where I realized something was wrong, searched the term up, and did my best to salvage the scarf so I didn't have to start over. I also didn't understand different knitting needle sizes and yarn weight, so... this scarf doesn't look as good as it should. I think it looks okay though. I mean, its wearable. It's a lot smaller than it should be, and also the bottom part curls up a bit, but other than that .. well like I said, it's okay.

Things I learned:
  • Reading patterns
  • Knitting in the round
  • Short rows
  • S2KPO: slipping 2 stitches together knitwise, then knitting 1 and passing the 2 stitches over that knit stitch
  • Decrease by K2tog (knit 2 together) and SSK (slip slip knit)
Well, as you can see, even though the project didn't turn out ideal, I still learned a lot from it! This project was given to my aunt, who is nice enough to wear it in front of me (and claims she wears it to work). 

The link to the pattern can be found here: www.purlbee.com/the-purl-bee/2011/10/11/sweet-stitching-with-erin-bandana-cowl.html How it actually looks like is way better than what I created instead, so give it a try!

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