Thursday 28 July 2016

My friend is having a baby girl!

So.. I began the process of making her a bunch of things! She said she wanted things that would look good in photos, so I decided to make her a cocoon and a flower headband.

P.s. I thought I lost this baby, and I was sad at first because this creepy little thing was $25, and I didn't want to spend another $25 to buy another creepy ass baby. Thank God I found it ... nobody knows how it got there.. but she was found hidden in a plastic bag in the corner of my old room. Hmmm....

Cocoon from the back

The headband part I just chained to 12" and then did another row of *HDC, HDC CH1, skip*

Here's a pic of the set together! Looks pretty photogenic to me!

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Who's that Pokemon?!

So, after I made the Bulbasaur, my sister told me that she's been asking me to make a Pikachu for years. Well, I figured now is the best time to make a Pikachu on the heels of my last doll since Pokemon fever is still at an all time high.

I found the head and ears from this pattern. I was so tempted to make it true to the pattern and make it Pikachu in disguise in a freakin' Totoro costume because how cute is that?! Buuuut... since this is for someone else who isn't as big of a Studio Ghibli fan as me, I decided to just make it a normal pikachu. The eyes are just made from scrap pieces of felt.
Honestly, after I made the head, I was again tempted to just leave it like that because it's such a cute little head, and I was afraid of ruining the rest of the Pikachu with the body since I was going to use another pattern to make the body (this one). 
The body turned out okay though. Looked a bit like a bowling pin. 
I think the pattern just used brown felt for those stripes on Pikachu's back, but I didn't have brown felt, and too frugal to go out and buy some (for just two little stripes!), so I literally randomly chained two rows of brown with one longer than the other and attached it to the back. Looks not bad if I do say so myself.

Annnnd... here's the finished product with arms and legs and tail. I gave it a bit of a photoshoot outside to make it look more like a 'wild Pokemon' eheh. Hope you guys like it!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Following that Pokemon trend!

So, watching all the renewed Pokemon mania unfold, I decided to join the fray. Pokemon Go is a lot of fun, but you know what'd be even more fun? A 3D tangible Pokemon! I'm planning on making all the starters, but for now, here's Bulbasaur :)
I'm aware his colour isn't exactly the correct colour because Bulbasaur isn't exactly so green, but overall, I think he ended up looking quite cute :) I suck at assembling pieces though because the head is crooked :(( I didn't have any felt, so I just crocheted random pieces and stuck them onto bulbasaur's head for the spots. I found random pieces of cloth of and cut them out to make the eyes! 

Here's a WIP picture in case anybody cares!
I'm pretty excited with the results, and am really looking forward to crocheting the rest! Now that I have the hang of crocheting, I just can't seem to stop making more amigurumi!