Sunday 4 January 2015

Belated Happy New Year!

Well, it's already January! I can't believe November was the last time I finished a project. I can assure you however, that I'm so close to finishing my project that I've been working on for the past month and a half. I'm itching to talk about it, but I don't want to give too much away or else I'll have absolutely nothing left to write about when it's all put together. Well, not that I haven't been talking about my not-so-mysterious-but-super-exciting project though ... a new coworker got hired at work, and lucky me!, she's a knitter and she crochets (hello to you if you're reading this)! Anyway, after some deliberation, I told her about my blog after we talked about knitting several times because I really can't help bragging about my stuff and really wanted to show her, and I love knowing and seeing what other people are making. She's actually willing and happy to talk about yarn work with me! Anyway, don't be surprised if my project after this one will be something crocheted.

After crocheting several things, I actually didn't plan on crocheting again (not for forever... but not in the near future either) because crocheting was just so frustrating. It's hard starting with something new when you're already so comfortable and (if I do say so myself) good at something else. I mean, it was satisfying, but not as much as knitting was to me. But I saw some of the stuff my coworker crocheted and it was so cool! So, I'm super motivated to give it another go. She also looms and finger knits- things that I want to add to my bucket list sooner or later. It's just all a nice reminder that there's still a lot left for me to learn.

I should probably get back to knitting now.. and Netflix. It's a bit tough though especially when my dog is giving me a clear signal she wants me to play with her:
My other dog, a husky, is being antisocial and is ignoring my labradoodle, so she has turned to giving me those guilt tripping eyes. My boyfriend and I have suspicions that my husky is actually a well disguised cat. Or perhaps just the laziest husky ever. We were told huskies would be hyper and loud, but she wears a scowl most of the time, hides under the couch when we give her too much attention and we never heard her howl ever. Barely even barks. Only time she's made a sound is when she's annoyed and protesting at my doodle. 
Nonetheless I love my doggies, and if I didn't start a knitting blog, I surely would've started some sort of dog blog that depicts the day to day life of my dogs (which would be very boring to strangers, and only entertaining to me, their owner). I suppose I just like jumping at every chance to boast about things I like (no offense to my poor boyfriend who is barely mentioned ever - but I'm sure he understands, ha!) That being said, I feel that I really let myself ramble on and on in this blog post, so I should stop here.
Since this was originally a New Years greeting sort of post, I guess I should shift my way back to that theme. It's pretty popular posting about New Years resolutions, so I think I'll come up with one too.
My New Years resolutions: Make more things out of yarn. Knock more items out of my Knitting bucket list. And I guess for things not knitting related- come up with a better plan for the future instead of just scrambling around in the dark.
Cheers! I hope everybody else follows through with their New Years resolutions past the month of January!

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