Monday 6 October 2014

Joining the 23 club!

I'm back from vacation! I had a blast road tripping down to the States. I usually don't share non-knitting related things, but in case anybody is remotely interested in my life, here are some snapshots of the getaway!

We made stops at Portland, San Francisco, Malibu, and L.A, looking at all the fun touristy areas, and the beautiful scenic landscape views. We did so much more than these four pictures can convey, but these were some of my favourite photos.

When I came back after relaxing for so long, the first thing I wanted to do was pick up my needles and start knitting something! Unfortunately, my house is going under renovations right now, so all my knitting things were packed away. As a result, I finally made time for my other hobbies. What other hobbies do I have you might ask? Well for one, I like to read (I find that's a hobby most knitters also like to enjoy). I managed to finish two books, Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King, and the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I finished a book, so I felt very accomplished once I was done. Too bad I'm not on board with audio books, because if there was a way where I can simultaneously read and knit, I would probably be doing that all day.

That wasn't all I did though. I started playing some games again. A new game came in the mail called Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, so I picked up my Nintendo 3ds and started playing that. I also spent some time trying to beat my boyfriend in Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo Wii, but alas, I have yet to beat him. I'm also trying to 100% FFX-2 remastered on the PS3 .. so yes, I've definitely been keeping myself busy.

Anyway, today was my birthday, and my amazing boyfriend got me a crochet case to keep my hooks in, and let me spend $100 worth of yarn on a shopping spree online!! For sure I will show you my yarn haul when that comes in the mail! You can guarantee that I am super excited for when that arrives, and I've got projects planned for each of them! As much as I love my other hobbies, they don't compare to my love for knitting. It's just so relaxing, and it can also be flexible in being really mindless, or it can really make you think. But, I guess it can't be a bad thing giving my fingers and wrists some rest!

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