Wednesday 16 April 2014

My Self-Control is better than I thought

So, yesterday while casually browsing the net, I found out that webs and yarn paradise are having these humongous sales. I'm low on money, but not low on yarn, but wow, I really wanted to buy so much yarn! I even picked out a few, and was ready to check-out. What stopped me was when they asked for my credit card information. You see, I just paid off my bills, and I kept thinking to myself to not spend so much money when it felt like I just emptied my bank account. And then I told myself that some of the yarn I didn't want anyway but only wanted just because they're insanely cheap (sort of the same mantra I repeat to myself when Steam has their sales haha). I couldn't even just buy one ball of yarn because shipping prices wouldn't make it worth it. So I froze there and stared at the checkout page for so so so long, until I took a deep breath, and just closed all my windows.

But one day, when I get a big place of my own, I'm going to have a wall of shelves dedicated to yarn. And there will be so many colours, and yarns of different weights, and it'll make people think they stepped into a yarn store. Can't stop dreaming!!

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