Friday 21 March 2014

Hi Iceland!

I didn't think I'd update again so soon, but my sister recently came back from a vacation in Iceland, and guess what she brought back for me? ..... You guessed it! Yarn! Not just any yarn, yarn made in Iceland! It says so on the packaging! The ice-blue colour is so fitting, as my sister says it was snowing really hard over there.
It looks really pretty and I'm already trying to research what I should make with it. I never worked with this type of wool before. It's a little rough to the touch (even more so than the dishie yarn I recently bought), and I've only worked with soft yarn, so this will be a good experience for me. I don't think I'd make a scarf out of it though because I think it will make your neck feel itchy. Maybe thick socks? A hat? Either way, I want to make sure it will be something special since its not everyday I get yarn from Iceland!

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