Tuesday 11 February 2014

My First Project EVER

This was my very first knit project ever back in 2012! It's a scarf, and its all knit in the knit stitch. I learned the knit stitch from my cousin one day, and so I decided it'd be cute to knit my boyfriend a scarf.

Things I learned:

  • To cast on
  • To bind-off
  • Knit stitch
To be honest, if you really see the scarf, you'll see I didn't really get the concept of knitting. I had a different number of stitches from when I started to when I ended. Quite sure I didn't know to pull the old stitch off the needle. A year later when I actually became into  knitting and making my first circle scarf, I was looking at Youtube videos and watching people knit in slow motion. That's when I really  realized what I'm doing when I'm going through the motions. For this scarf, I remember I started over approximately 4 times (even though a scarf made completely of knit stitch is the easiest thing you could do). The boyfriend likes it though, so I guess it turned out okay in the end!

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