Wednesday 12 February 2014

Making a List

I still consider myself fairly new to knitting. In my current project, I'm currently learning how to do stranded colorwork. But there's still so much more I want to learn.. So, I've made a small checklist of the things I want to learn.

  1. Making socks: Just seems like a natural thing to eventually make
  2. Cabling: I have cable needles and everything! I just need to find the perfect yarn and pattern..
  3. Making a sweater: Can't wait until I even get to this level
  4. Making a bag: So that I won't have to put all my knitting gear and yarn in those environmentally- friendly bags anymore.. I want to store them nicely, which brings me to my next point..
  5. Learn how to organize my knitting stuff: It's so disorganized right now. If I'm looking for one needle, I have to rummage around in order to find the second one. I did tie up my dpn together and keep the small stuff (i.e. stitch markers, cable needles, weaving needles) in a little pouch, but otherwise, everything is all thrown into a giant environmentally friendly bag.
  6. Knit a doll: Dolls aren't exactly useful, but I think it'd be a nice experience
  7. Knit something that for once doesn't have any mistakes in it: Okay, so this isn't something you really learn, so much as it just comes with experience. But seriously, please knitting Gods, boost my ego just a little?
Alright, that's my nice list. But I need more yarn to realize these dreams!!!

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